Monday, 23 February 2009


Picture Accreditation: AJ Cann

I am now officially addicted to Facebook. I have pretended for too long that I wasn't but it is obvious that I am. The revelation came last week when from Wednesday to Saturday I was away and therefore I had no access to the Internet. When I got, the first thing I did was to go onto Facebook and change my status and to check any updates that may have occurred in those three days. I am also one of these people who fills out stupid questionnaires just so that I can remain logged in to Facebook. I spend endless hours answering questions like: 'Favourite Colour?' and 'First Kiss?'. Often I'll do these quizzes and then get too embarassed to even post them! Another way of knowing that I am addicted is by how many times I click onto Facebook when I should be doing other things. I often go onto the computer with the sole intention of doing research or getting an assignment done - before I know it, two hours have passed and I'm still making meaningless chat to someone on Facebook. It seems to be programmed into me to click onto Facebook whenever the computer goes on, no matter what the intention. I am not alone though with this addiction, it emerged last week that scientists have now deemed Facebook as addictive as drugs, coffee and sex.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true!
    I actually logged on now to do my blogging so obviously I checked Facebook.
    I guess the media are right about the online generation.
